Thursday, July 22, 2010

Crystal Renn gets "Shopped"

Hastily gathering my things to run out the door this morning I had one ear on the television set when I heard a teaser for a story involving Crystal Renn. I ran out of the bathroom to see what news Crystal Renn was involved in and why The Today Show was airing it. Unfortunately all I got was the general summary that Crystal Renn was upset because some of her most recent photos had been Photoshopped. I had to leave for work before the full story.

So here is what I could find online of what's going on. Apparently the people over at Glamour and Passion for Fashion think Crystal Renn is perfect for their campaign. Just not as perfect as they could make her with a skilled retoucher. Crystal says she was "shocked" when she saw the retouched photos and is being very open with the fact that she has not shed a bunch of weight. Still shots from video of the shoot have been posted up against the retouched photos to prove Crystal is still the plus sized gal we all love. Read more about the ordeal at the frisky.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kate Dillon - An Intelligent Model (and she's plus sized, too!)

A little inspiration this morning : "I really belelive that if you're being the person you want to be, you'll care less about looking like the person everybody says you should look like."

A very intelligent and inspiring article about Kate Dillon, a plus sized model who speaks about her struggles and just trying to get into a normal life. Beautiful, smart, witty, she is quite interesting.

Read the full article here.