Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nice Weather Means Being More Active

The warm weather has been inticing me to go outside for months now, and I knew that I wanted to start an exercise routine. The only problem is that I hate running. So what to do? I had been an avid walker in college, spending hours walking around the indoor track at our state of the art gym, but I don't have access to anything like that anymore. So I trekked out in search of some walking paths. What I found was something much more enjoyable, much more beautiful, and a heck of a lot more captivating than either walking or running.

See, the thing with walking and running is that I lose interest very quickly. I have to change up my route a lot in order to keep from being bored, and that's a lot of work. And then there is the heat. Around here it can stay in the 90's up until about 8:00 which only gives me about an hour to be outside while it's cooling down. You can only get so far in half an hour when you walk before you have to turn around.

So what did I find that is so wonderful? Hiking. I'm not out in the woods with a bundle backpack and walking stick, but I am walking through a small forest alongside a creek. We encounter hills and valleys, overgrown paths, narrow walkways and even a daring pipe bridge or two. I never considered myself the outdoors type so I am shocked that I love this so much. But, sure enough, every night I'm ready to go on a new adventure. It's no surprise that plus size super model, Crystal Renn has said that she uses hiking whenever she is in need of some toning up.

What's your favorite way to get outside and get moving?

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